In fulfilling our regulatory roles, we pledge to be responsive to the public, market participants and intermediaries under our supervision.

     % of cases meeting the pledge

  2010/11 2009/10 2008/09
Applications for subordinated loan or modification/
 waiver of requirements under SFO
Commence review of application upon receipt 2 business days 98.3%1 96.9% 99.3%
Authorization of investment products        
Commence review of applications upon receipt 2 business days 100% 100% 100%
Preliminary reply to applicants after commencement of
 application review for investment-linked assurance schemes,
 Mandatory Provident Fund pooled investment funds,
 mutual funds, and unit trusts.
7 business days 100% 100% 100%
Preliminary reply to applications after commencement of
 application review for other schemes
14 business days 100% 100% 100%
General enquries:
 Preliminary reply to public enquiries
  (excluding those from investors)
4 business days 100% 99.8% 99.6%
Investor enquiries:
 Preliminary reply to telephone enquiries
4 business days 100% 100% 100%
 Preliminary reply to written enquiries 2 weeks 100% 99.5% 99.6%
Processing of licensing applications2        
Corporations 15 weeks 100% 99% 99%
Representatives (provisional licences) 7 business days 97%3 88% 89%
Representatives (normal licences) 8 weeks 98%3 95% 86%
Representatives (responsible officers) 10 weeks 96%3 97% 95%
Transfer of accreditation 7 business days 94%3 81% 73%
Public complaints        
Preliminary response to verbal & written complaints 2 weeks 99.2%4 99.3% 99.4%
1 Two cases failed to meet the pledge by one day due to operational issues.
2 Compliance with our performance pledges is measured in relation to applications in respect of which all of the required documentation is supplied by the applicants in a comprehensive and efficient manner and in which delays, for which we have no responsibility, do not occur.
3 Some cases failed to meet the pledges largely due to resource constraints and/or unexpected complications.
4 Due to the heavy workload, 15 cases failed to meet the pledge.
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