Attendance of meetings of the Board and functional committees during the year are detailed in the following table:

Meetings attended/held

Commission Audit
Remuneration Committee Budget
Executive Committee
Eddy C Fong 15/15   1/1    
Executive Directors          
Martin Wheatley 14/15     1/1 16/18
Alexa Lam 13/15     1/1 17/18
Brian Ho 14/15       17/18
Keith Lui 14/15     1/1 15/18
Mark Steward 15/15       15/18
Non-executive Directors          
Chan Kam-lam 12/15   1/1    
Kenneth H W Kwok1 10/12 2/2      
Angelina P L Lee 12/15 2/2 1/1 1/1  
Lawrence Lee 14/15   1/1    
Liu Pak Wai1 9/12     0/1  
Wong Kai-man 11/15 2/2 1/1 1/1  
Shengman Zhang1 11/12 2/2      
Leonard K Cheng2 3/3   1/1    
Anderson Chow Ka-ming2 3/3   1/1    
Chief Counsel & Senior Directors          
Stephen Po         15/18
Stephen Tisdall         16/18
Andrew Wan3         6/6
Andrew Young         15/18
1 Appointment expired on 31.12.2010
2 Appointment started on 1.1.2011
3 Appointment started on 18.1.2011
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