Dr Eddy C Fong GBS • JP

Dr Eddy C Fong GBS • JP


(From 20 October 2006. Current appointment expires on 19 October 2011.)

SFC Non-executive Chairman (since October 2006); Certified Public Accountant; Chairman of the Council, Open University of Hong Kong; Non-executive Director, Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation; Member, Banking Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority; Member, HKEx Listing Nominating Committee.

Formerly, Senior Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers; Non-executive Director, Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority; Non-executive Director, Exchange Fund Investment Ltd; Member and Chairman, Finance Committee of the Hong Kong Housing Authority.

Chairs Advisory Committee. Member, Remuneration Committee, Nominations Committee, SFC (HKEC Listing) Appeals Committee and Process Review Panel for the SFC.

Martin Wheatley JP

Martin Wheatley JP

Chief Executive Officer

(From 23 June 2006. Current appointment ends on 8 June 2011.)

SFC: Chairman (from 1 October 2005 to 22 June 2006) and Executive Director, Supervision of Markets Division (from 6 June 2005 to 30 September 2005); Member, Financial Stability Board Standing Committee on Standards Implementation; Member, International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO) Technical Committee; Chairman, IOSCO Technical Committee Task Force on Short Selling; Member, Council of the Treasury Markets Association and HKEx Listing Nominating Committee. Deputy Chief Executive, London Stock Exchange (LSE) (2001-2004); Board Member, LSE (1998-2004); Chairman, FTSE International Ltd (2000, 2002, 2004); Member, Listing Authority Advisory Committee of the Financial Services Authority of England (2003-2004).

Chairs Executive Committee. Member, Advisory Committee, Budget Committee and SFC (HKEC Listing) Committee.

The Hon Chan Kam-lam SBS • JP

The Hon Chan Kam-lam SBS • JP

Non-executive Director

(From 15 November 2007. Current appointment expires on 14 November 2011.)

Member, National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; Elected Member (Kowloon East), Legislative Council of the HKSAR; Chairman, LegCo Panel on Financial Affairs; Board Member, Airport Authority; Member, ICAC Advisory Committee on Corruption; Member, Deposit-taking Companies Advisory Committee; Member, Travel Industry Compensation Fund Management Board.

Member, Remuneration Committee and SFC (HKEC Listing) Appeals Committee.

Prof Leonard K Cheng JP

Prof Leonard K Cheng JP

Non-executive Director

(From 1 January 2011. Current appointment expires on 31 December 2012.)

Dean of Business and Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Director, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research; Member, Statistics Advisory Board; Member, Hong Kong Port Development Council; Member, Provisional Minimum Wage Commission (2009-2010); Member, Broadcasting Authority (2003-2009); Member, Manpower Development Committee (2002-2006); Member, Monitoring Group on Trials and Studies for the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (2001-2003); Member, Investment Promotion Strategy Group (2000-2001); Member, Advisory Committee on New Broad-based Taxes (2000-2001); Member, International Review Panel, Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme (2000-2001); Member, Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (1998-2004); Member, Economic Advisory Committee (1996-2001); Member, Shanghai-Hong Kong Council for the Promotion and Development of Yangtze (1998-2002).

Deputy Chairman, Remuneration Committee and Budget Committee.

Anderson Chow Ka-ming SC

Anderson Chow Ka-ming SC

Non-executive Director

(From 1 January 2011. Current appointment expires on 31 December 2012.)

Senior Counsel (2004); Recorder, Court of First Instance of the High Court of HKSAR; Deputy High Court Judge, HKSAR (2009); Honorary Lecturer, Department of Professional Legal Education, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (HKU); Deputy Chairman, Administrative Appeals Board; Chairman, Water Pollution Control Appeal Board; Chairman, Air Pollution Control Appeal Board; Alternate of the Disciplinary Committee Convenor, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Member, Disciplinary Panel A of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Member, Appeal Board on Public Meetings and Processions; Member, Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Board; Member, Management Committee of the Consumer Legal Action Fund; Chairman, Appeal Tribunal (Buildings) (2000-2007); Member, Disciplinary Chair Committee of the SFC to chair the Takeovers and Mergers Panel in disciplinary proceedings and Takeovers Appeal Committee (2008-2010); Member, Appointment Advisory Board of Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (2008-2010).

Chairman, Investor Compensation Co, Ltd; Member, Investor Compensation Fund Committee, Securities Compensation Fund Committee and Nominations Committee.

Brian Ho

Brian Ho

Executive Director, Corporate Finance Division

(From 28 August 2006. Current appointment expires on 27 August 2012.)

SFC: 1992-1994 and 1995-present; Senior Director (2000-2006); Solicitor admitted in Hong Kong in 1988; Member, HKEx Listing Nominating Committee; Member, Advisory Committee on Bond Market Development.

Chairs Public Shareholders Group. Member, Nominations Committee and Executive Committee.

Kenneth H W Kwok BBS • SC • JP

Kenneth H W Kwok BBS • SC • JP

Non-executive Director

(From 1 January 2005. Appointment expired on 31 December 2010.)

Queen’s Counsel (1993); Senior Counsel (1997); Chairman, Board of Review (Inland Revenue Ordinance); Member, Standing Committee on Legal Education and Training (Legal Practitioners Ordinance); Honorary University Fellow, HKU; Member, HKU Law Faculty Board; Member, HKU Academic Board for the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL); Governor, HKU Law Alumni Charity Ltd; Member, Advisory Committee on Legal Education (Legal Practitioners Ordinance) (1995-2004); Chairman, Takeovers Appeal Committee (2004); Member, Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal (2003-2004); Member, Listing Committee, Main Board, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd (1997-2003).

Chaired Investor Compensation Co, Ltd. Deputy Chairman, Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee. Member, Nominations Committee, SFC (HKEC Listing) Appeals Committee, Securities Compensation Fund Committee and Investor Compensation Fund Committee.

Alexa Lam

Alexa Lam

Executive Director, Policy, China and Investment Products Division and Deputy Chief Executive Officer

(From 1 December 2001. Current appointment expires on 28 February 2014.)

SFC: Executive Director and Chief Counsel (March-November 2001); Chief Counsel (1999-2001); Senior Adviser-Chairman’s Office (1998-1999); Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Law, HKU (1997-1998); Private law practice in Hong Kong, New York and Chicago (1981-1997); Member, Hong Kong Trade Development Council Financial Services Advisory Committee; Member, Professional Advisory Board – HKU Faculty of Law’s Asian Institute of International Financial Law; Member, Finance Management Committee, The Hong Kong Management Association (since 9 September 2009).

Chairs Committee on Unit Trusts, Committee on Investment-Linked Assurance and Pooled Retirement Funds, Committee on Real Estate Investment Trusts and Products Advisory Committee (since August 2010). Member, Advisory Committee, Budget Committee, Executive Committee, Securities Compensation Fund Committee, Investor Compensation Fund Committee and SFC (HKEC Listing) Committee.

Angelina P L Lee JP

Angelina P L Lee JP

Non-executive Director

(From 1 August 2006. Current appointment expires on 31 July 2012.)

Partner, Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo; Solicitor; Certified Public Accountant; Independent Non-executive Director, Great Eagle Holdings Ltd; Non-executive Director, Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Ltd; Non-executive Director, Henderson Land Development Co Ltd; Non-executive Director, TOM Group Ltd; Non-executive Director, Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (2005-2011); Chairman, Takeovers Appeal Committee (2005-2006); Member, Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal (2003-2006); Member, Listing Committee, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd (2000-2006); Member, Standing Committee on Company Law Reform (1991-2003).

Chairs Audit Committee. Member, Budget Committee, Remuneration Committee, Takeovers and Mergers Panel, Takeovers Appeal Committee and SFC (HKEC Listing) Appeals Committee.

Lawrence Lee JP

Lawrence Lee JP

Non-executive Director

(From 15 November 2009. Current appointment expires on 14 November 2011.)

Chairman, Hong Kong, PRC and Vietnam offices, Baker & McKenzie; Member, the Hospital Authority; Chairman, the Hospital Governing Committee of Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital; Member, Commercial and Securities Group, Baker & McKenzie; Chairman, Asia Pacific Regional Council, Baker & McKenzie (1999-2000); Executive Committee Member , Baker & McKenzie (1997-2000); Member, the Supervisory Board of the Hong Kong Housing Society (2000-2004).

Chairs Remuneration Committee. Member, Audit Committee and SFC (HKEC Listing) Appeals Committee.

Prof Liu Pak Wai SBS • JP

Prof Liu Pak Wai SBS • JP

Non-executive Director

(From 1 January 2005. Appointment expired on 31 December 2010.)

Director, Institute of Global Economics and Finance and Professor of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Member, Independent Commission on Remuneration for Members of the Executive Council and the Legislature, and Officials under the Political Appointment System of the HKSAR; Member, Independent Commission on Remuneration for Members of the District Councils of the HKSAR; Member, Provisional Minimum Wage Commission; Director, Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research; Member, Aviation Development Advisory Committee; Member, Commission on Strategic Development; Member, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council.

Chaired Remuneration Committee. Deputy Chairman, Budget Committee. Member, SFC (HKEC Listing) Appeals Committee, Committee on Unit Trusts, Committee on Investment-Linked Assurance and Pooled Retirement Funds and Products Advisory Committee.

Keith Lui

Keith Lui

Executive Director, Supervision of Markets Division

(From 28 August 2006. Current appointment expires on 27 August 2012.)

SFC: 1991-1994 and 1995-present; Commission Secretary (2001-2004); Senior Director (2002-2006); Member, HKEx Risk Management Committee.

Chairs Securities Compensation Fund Committee and Investor Compensation Fund Committee. Member, SFC (HKEC Listing) Committee, Budget Committee and Executive Committee. Director of the Investor Compensation Co, Ltd.

Mark Steward

Mark Steward

Executive Director, Enforcement Division

(From 25 September 2006. Current appointment expires on 24 September 2012.)

Deputy Executive Director, Enforcement, Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) (2004-2006); Director, Enforcement, ASIC (2003-2004); Solicitor admitted in Australia in 1990.

Member, SFC (HKEC Listing) Committee and Executive Committee.

Wong Kai-man BBS • JP

Wong Kai-man BBS • JP

Non-executive Director

(From 26 May 2009. Current appointment expires on 25 May 2011.)

Director, Li & Fung (1906) Foundation Ltd; Director, Victor and William Fung Foundation Ltd; Independent Non-executive Director, Shangri-la Asia Ltd; Independent Non-executive Director, SUNeVision Holdings Ltd; Independent Nonexecutive Director, SCMP Group Ltd; Independent Non-executive Director, China Construction Bank Corporation; Honorary Associate Professor, School of Business, HKU; Member, Listing Committee, Growth Enterprise Market, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd (1999-2003); Member, Hospital Governing Committee, Haven of Hope Hospital; Court and Council Member, HKU; Director, School of Professional and Continuing Education, HKU; Court and Council Member, City University of Hong Kong; Director, CityU Enterprises Ltd; Director, Haven of Hope Christian Service; Director, World Vision Hong Kong; Director, Breakthrough Ltd.

Chairs Budget Committee. Deputy Chairman, Audit Committee. Member, Remuneration Committee and SFC (HKEC Listing) Appeals Committee.

Shengman Zhang

Shengman Zhang

Non-executive Director

(From 1 January 2007. Appointment expired on 31 December 2010.)

Chairman, Asia Pacific, Citigroup (from 2009); Vice Chairman of Global Banking, Chief Operating Officer, Citigroup, Markets & Banking, Asia Pacific (2007-2008); Chairman, Public Sector Group, Citigroup (2006-2007); Managing Director, World Bank (1997-2001; 2001-2005); Vice President and Corporate Secretary, World Bank (1995-1997); Executive Director for China, World Bank (1994-1995); Various senior positions, The Ministry of Finance, China (1981-1992).

Member, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and SFC (HKEC Listing) Appeals Committee.


Note: Except for the Chairman and the CEO, the board members are listed in alphabetical order.

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