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Name: Chartered Asset Management
Type: Unlicensed entities
Address(es): 14/F Abdulrahim Place
990 Rama IV Road
Bangkok 10500

The company also gives an address in Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong. The address belongs to a business centre which has now terminated its extension of facilities to the company.
Remarks: The company appears to target Hong Kong investors. On 9 March 2004, the Thailand SEC filed criminal complaint against Chartered Asset Management and Bowen Reece and other persons in relating to the operation of brokerage businesses without obtaining licenses. Please refer to the SEC News Release No. 22/2004 of the Thai SEC for details.
Add date: 19 Aug 2002
Note: Unlicensed entities often use names similar to legitimate companies to confuse investors.
Unlicensed entities

Sometimes entities appear to target Hong Kong investors whilst not having been licensed to carry out regulated activities in Hong Kong. They often adopt names similar to legitimate financial institutions to confuse investors. Alternatively, such unlicensed entities may provide financial investment trading platforms on the Internet. If you deal with a company which is not licensed by the SFC, you may not be protected by the regulatory framework enforced by the SFC.

Deal only with licensed entities and hang up on cold callers. To check whether an entity is an SFC licensee, visit our Public Register of Licensed Persons and Registered Institutions.

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