Name: (New) | https://view.clexp-vip |
Type: | Suspicious websites |
Address(es): | - |
Website: | https://view.clexp-vip |
Remarks: | Hong Kong investors were added into WhatsApp groups named “K研亞洲林Sir內部群組” or “K研亞洲實驗室” randomly by scammers for joining investment groups claiming that money-making tips on HK and US stocks would be shared in the groups. Investors were then induced to download an App “CLEXP” to conduct transactions. The website and the App are not associated with Coller Capital (Hong Kong) Limited, which is an SFC-licensed corporation. |
Add date: | 7 Mar 2025 |
Note: Suspicious website operators often use names similar to legitimate companies to confuse investors. |
Suspicious websites