Useful materials
Set out below are other useful materials relevant to virtual assets:
- SFC sets out new roadmap to develop Hong Kong as a global virtual asset hub (19 February 2025)
- “A-S-P-I-Re” for a brighter future: SFC’s regulatory roadmap for Hong Kong’s virtual asset market (19 February 2025)
- SFC convenes inaugural Virtual Asset Consultative Panel meeting (14 February 2025)
- Circular to new virtual asset trading platforms seeking to be licensed – Enhanced licensing process and revamped external assessments (16 January 2025)
- Circular to Licensed Corporations, SFC-licensed Virtual Asset Service Providers and Associated Entities - Findings from inspections on deemed-to-be-licensed virtual asset trading platform applicants and expected standards of conduct for virtual asset trading platform operators (16 January 2025)
- SFC licenses virtual asset trading platforms under swift licensing process (18 December 2024)
- Circular to virtual asset trading platforms on licensing process and revamped Second-phase Assessment (18 December 2024)
- SFC briefs virtual asset trading platform applicants on regulatory expectations after transition period ends (12 June 2024)
- SFC statement on the end of non-contravention period for virtual asset trading platforms (28 May 2024)
- SFC reminds public VATP application period has ended under transitional arrangements (1 March 2024)
- Disciplinary Proceedings at a Glance (for regulated persons under Part 5B of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance) (February 2024)
- Circular on disciplinary proceedings under Part 5B of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (28 February 2024)
- Circular on SFC-authorised funds with exposure to virtual assets (22 December 2023)
- Joint circular on intermediaries’ virtual asset-related activities (22 December 2023)
- Circular on intermediaries engaging in tokenised securities-related activities (2 November 2023)
- Circular on tokenisation of SFC-authorised investment products (2 November 2023)
- Joint circular on intermediaries’ virtual asset-related activities (20 October 2023) (superseded by the joint circular on intermediaries’ virtual asset-related activities on 22 December 2023)
- SFC steps up information dissemination and investor education on VATPs (25 September 2023)
- Statement on JPEX (20 September 2023)
- Warning statement on unregulated virtual asset trading platform (13 September 2023)
- Warning: Virtual asset trading platforms engaging in improper practices (7 August 2023)
- Licensing Handbook for Virtual Asset Trading Platform Operators (1 June 2023)
- Guidelines for Virtual Asset Trading Platform Operators (1 June 2023)
- Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Financing of Terrorism (For Licensed Corporations and SFC-licensed Virtual Asset Service Providers) (1 June 2023)
- Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Guideline issued by the Securities and Futures Commission for Associated Entities of Licensed Corporations and SFC-licensed Virtual Asset Service Providers (1 June 2023)
- Disciplinary Fining Guidelines (1 June 2023)
- Scope of External Assessment Reports (1 June 2023) (superseded by the Circular to new virtual asset trading platforms seeking to be licensed on 16 January 2025)
- Circular on implementation of new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms (31 May 2023)
- Circular on transitional arrangements of the new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms (31 May 2023)
- Virtual asset trading platform operators - FAQs on licensing related matters (31 May 2023)
- Virtual asset trading platform operators - FAQs on conduct related matters (31 May 2023)
- Consultation Conclusions on the Proposed Regulatory Requirements for Virtual Asset Trading Platform Operators Licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission (23 May 2023)
- Consultation Paper on the Proposed Regulatory Requirements for Virtual Asset Trading Platform Operators Licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission (20 February 2023)
- Statement on virtual asset arrangements claiming to offer returns to investors (13 December 2022)
- Circular on Virtual Asset Futures Exchange Traded Funds (31 October 2022) (superseded by the circular on SFC-authorised funds with exposure to virtual assets on 22 December 2023)
- SFC reminds investors of risks associated with non-fungible tokens (6 June 2022)
- Joint circular on intermediaries' virtual asset-related activities (28 January 2022) (superseded by the joint circular on intermediaries’ virtual asset-related activities on 20 October 2023)
- Warning statement on unregulated virtual asset platforms (16 July 2021)
- SFC licenses first virtual asset trading platform (16 December 2020)
- Position paper: Regulation of virtual asset trading platforms (6 November 2019)
- SFC issues warnings on virtual asset futures contracts (6 November 2019)
- Terms and Conditions for Licensed Corporations which Manage Portfolios that Invest in Virtual Assets (4 October 2019)
- Statement on Security Token Offerings (28 March 2019) (superseded by the circular on intermediaries engaging in tokenised securities-related activities on 2 November 2023)
- SFC sets out new regulatory approach for virtual assets (1 November 2018)
- Circular to intermediaries on compliance with notification requirements (1 June 2018)
- SFC's regulatory action halts ICO to Hong Kong public (19 March 2018)
- SFC warns of cryptocurrency risks (9 February 2018)
- SFC issues reminder on cryptocurrency-related products and derivatives (11 December 2017)
- Circular to clarify the "relevant industry experience" requirement for Responsible Officers under the Guidelines on Competence (29 September 2017)
- Circular to announce the SFC Regulatory Sandbox (29 September 2017)
- SFC issues statement on initial coin offerings (5 September 2017)
Fintech related speeches
- Fintech: Embracing Innovation, Regulation and the Future of Finance Keynote address at Hong Kong FinTech Week 2022 (Julia Leung) (31 October 2022)
- Fintech: Metamorphosis of the financial industry - Keynote address at Hong Kong FinTech Week 2021 (Julia Leung) (3 November 2021)
- Fintech: the regulatory response to evolving challenges - Keynote address at Hong Kong FinTech Week 2020 (Ashley Alder) (3 November 2020)
- Fintech: a regulatory strategy for a dynamic industry - Keynote speech at Hong Kong FinTech Week 2019 (Ashley Alder) (6 November 2019)
- Fintech: Meeting the regulatory challenges - Keynote speech at Hong Kong FinTech Week 2018 (Ashley Alder) (1 November 2018)
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Last update: 14 Mar 2025