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Consultation on the Draft Securities and Futures (Stock Market Listing) Rules and the Draft Securities and Futures (Transfer of Functions - Stock Exchange Company) Order

The Securities and Futures Commission (the "SFC") invites market participants and interested parties to submit written comments on the Consultation Paper on the Securities and Futures (Stock Market Listing) Rules and the Securities and Futures (Transfer of Functions - Stock Exchange Company) Order (available as Acrobat PDF file) and the Draft Securities and Futures (Stock Market Listing) Rules and the Draft Securities and Futures (Transfer of Functions - Stock Exchange Company) Order (available as Acrobat PDF file) before close of business on 7 June 2002. Any persons wishing to submit comments should, where applicable, provide details of any organizations the views of which they represent. In addition, persons suggesting alternative approaches are encouraged to submit proposed text to amend the Draft Securities and Futures (Stock Market Listing) Rules and the Draft Securities and Futures (Transfer of Functions - Stock Exchange Company) Order.

Please note that the names of the commentators and the contents of their submissions may be published on the SFC web site and in other documents to be published by the SFC. In this connection, please read the Personal Information Collection Statement.

You may not wish your name and/or submission to be published by the SFC. If this is the case, please state that you wish your name and/or submission to be withheld from publication when you make your submission.

Please click here to view the Comments on the Draft Securities and Futures (Stock Market Listing) Rules and the Draft Securities and Futures (Transfer of Functions - Stock Exchange Company) Order.


Last update: 7 Aug 2012

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