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Senior Manager - Enforcement (Surveillance - Market Misconduct Team)

Ref.: SFC/SM/ENF/SUMMT/240510

Duties & Responsibilities:

As a successful candidate for the role, you will help to lead a small team to monitor and detect possible market misconduct including insider dealing and market manipulation, and make recommendations to senior management. You will assist the surveillance department in identifying and analysing trends, innovations and issues in the market place; develop analytical methods and models to uncover potential market abuse; work with investigation teams in analysing trading data and market information, and provide market expert opinion in legal proceedings.


Ideal candidates should possess:

  • A university degree in finance, accounting or finance related subjects.
  • Solid experience and in-depth knowledge of securities and financial markets, business models, products and practices. Candidates with prior experience in trading, structuring, fund management, corporate finance, equity/credit research or as financial officers within HK listed companies would be an advantage.
  • Self-motivated and able to proactively manage and drive projects forward.
  • Strong numerical/analytical aptitude and problem solving skills.
  • Knowledge of data analytic programming languages a definite plus.
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese and ability to communicate effectively is essential.

Please quote the reference and apply by 24 May 2024 with details of qualifications, previous experience, current and expected salary to:

Recruitment Manager
Securities & Futures Commission
54/F, One Island East, 18 Westlands Road,
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
(E-mail address : enf_recruit@sfc.hk)

All applications will be handled in strict confidence by authorised personnel and will only be used for recruitment related purposes. Applicants who do not hear from us within six months from the application deadline may consider their applications as unsuccessful. All information on unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after six months.


Last update: 10 May 2024

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