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Securities Compensation Fund Committee


  • Administers the Unified Exchange Compensation Fund and regulates its procedures in accordance with Part X of the repealed Securities Ordinance which, under section 74 of Schedule 10 to the Securities and Futures Ordinance, continues to apply to any claim for compensation from the Fund made before 1 April 2003.

Members' Particulars 

English Chinese Title* Name*
LEUNG Chung-yin, Rico (Chairman) 梁仲賢 Executive Director, Supervision of Markets Securities and Futures Commission
KWOK Hom Siu
Alias: Sally KWOK
郭含笑 Managing Director, Co-Head of Trading Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
LAI Chun Mei 
Alias: Hilda LAI
賴俊薇 Managing Director, Head of Market Policy and Development Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
Dr LIN, James C. 林振宇博士 Non-Executive Director Securities and Futures Commission
WAN Chi Yiu, Andrew 溫志遙 Senior Director Securities and Futures Commission

*Affiliation as at the date of appointment or as updated by members.


Members’ term of appointment: 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2026 unless otherwise stated.


Last update: 13 Jun 2024

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