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Non-Executive Directors
DAWES, Victor, SC
DAWES, Victor, SC, BBS
From 1 Aug 2020
Current appointment expires on 31 Jul 2024

Mr Dawes is a Non-Executive Director of the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC). A Senior Counsel practicing from Temple Chambers in Hong Kong, Mr Dawes is a commercial litigator specialising in banking, company and securities laws.

Mr Dawes is a recorder of the High Court and the Chairman of the Hong Kong Bar Association. He is also an arbitrator and a member of the Advisory Body appointed under Part 10A of the Arbitration Ordinance. 

Mr Dawes sits on the SFC's Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nominations Committee and the SFC (HKEC Listing) Appeals Committee. Mr Dawes is also the Chairman of the Investor and Financial Education Council.

Last update: 5 Jul 2024

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