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Public enquiries: Further guidance and sources of information

To enable us to handle your enquiry more efficiently, please contact us via the most appropriate channel as described in the "Contact us" section. Also, please provide us with your name and contact details so that we can reply to you.

Before contacting us, please refer to our FAQs where you may quickly find the information you seek.

In responding to a general enquiry, we may only be able to provide publicly available information currently published on our website1.

In addition, please consider whether your enquiry covers topics or areas where the SFC is not in a position to provide information. Below are some examples and suggested resources:

  1. Matters outside the SFC's remit

      • Banking operations: The Hong Kong Monetary Authority as the frontline regulator of banks, normally handles banking-related enquiries.
      • Insurance companies, brokers and agents: The Insurance Authority, as the regulator of the insurance industry, normally handles insurance-related enquiries.
      • Bullion trading: The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society is the sole exchange in Hong Kong which trades physical silver and gold. Spot precious-metal trading (eg, Loco London gold) is not regulated by the SFC.
      • Taxation: The Inland Revenue Department administers taxes and related policies in Hong Kong.
      • Company registration: The Companies Registry administers most parts of the Companies Ordinance including company registration.
  2. Legal advice

    The SFC does not give advice about the legal interpretation of the Securities and Futures Ordinance and SFC rules and regulations, either in actual or hypothetical situations.


  3. Details of SFC regulatory actions

    Public information about our regulatory actions can be found in our press releases2. We are restrained by law from disclosing any other information about our actions, including ongoing cases.


  4. Listing and trading

    The website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited provides up-to-date information about listing matters and securities trading, such as trading halts, suspensions and delistings, as well as contact information for liquidity providers.


  5. Reference checks

    We generally do not certify whether a person has ever been licensed or registered with us. Please refer to our Public Register of Licensed Persons and Registered Institutions to check a person's licence history.


1 The web addresses referred to on this page may change from time to time. In the event a change has been made, please contact the relevant organisation directly.

2 Information about our regulatory actions is also accessible through our Public Register of Licensed Persons and Registered Institutions by conducting a name search of a company or an individual.

Last update: 12 Nov 2019

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